I'm taking a short break. The above is a work in progress of a seascape. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll be able to show some peaceful waves lapping towards the beach against a bright sky (in fact, the sky is too bright until I had to wear sunglasses, just kidding!). I love to do seascapes - it gives me great peace but at the same time, reminds me that life can be rocky. I was also reminded about the time during my university years when I was passionately searching for answers to life. I was lost until I found God. Without faith, a person will be like struggling in the ocean looking for a distant land to swim to. We all need a spiritual compass in life.
Another thing is, faith has to be dynamic. We don't stop at the point when we have found God. There must always be this passion of the pursuit of God. Faith must also be strong enough so that we are willing to give everything we have back to God. Imagine throwing everything you own back to God for eternal truth. All finite things washed away by the waves. You will be surprised. God will honour your effort and give it all back to you. For example, a person vowed to celibacy may find himself happily married and blessed with children.
In the next posting, I will contemplate on what exactly is faith. What is faith to you?

While we are on the subject of giving things up, you can try giving up your favourite food. This is the season to celebrate Chinese mooncake festival. It is also a time to hang lanterns around the house. What joy to see the lantern lights glowing on the faces of happy children. Unlike today's battery powered, Power Rangers lanterns, I remember the time of my childhood when I would happily carry lanterns which I made by myself. However, a word of caution from the doctor - each piece of mooncake is a lump of sugar and fat. Even the low sugar variety still contains sufficient amount of it. My mother even has to reject mooncakes given by relatives and friends - we can't finish what we already have. So, please eat with moderation.