The war was finally over, but the enemy had won. The Himalayan people were oppressed and heavily taxed. Whole villagers were burned down by the armies of the Empire, temples destroyed and there were rampant killing of villagers everywhere and looting of their belongings.
On the night when the Temple of Sirius Crest were destroyed, the Matron dying from internal injuries, gave Enlil a spellstone to protect - because of the evil it would bring if it fell to the wrong hands.
Not knowing what to do initially, she quickly hid herself with the spellstone among the commoners who were by now ruthlessly driven from their mountainside homes. One night, while meditating by the beach, the stone lit up, illuminating the sky. She thought the light was good, but actually it was camouflaged as so , and was about to bring about a terrible storm. She saw the incoming storm, but it was too late. She harnessed all her magical spell to fight the evil, but it only consumed her energy, and soon she was taken over by the evil spell.
Storm after storm followed, causing great havoc to the people, wiping out whole batallions, and sinking cargo ships, the only lifeline of the Empire, in their trade with the wealthy Persians.
The Empire, sent armies after armies, to fight against the Stormbringer, as she was now known, but she was blinded by the evil that had taken over her, and the more she was infuriated by the sight of the Empire's army that killed her sisters in the nunnery, the more devastating the storm she created.
Then , the Empire sent an able magician from the Alchemy Dept, named Caleb, powerful in his own field of magic, and was in love with Enlil before circumstances forced him to leave her and join the empire.
Caleb knew that he must save her, though it might mean death to himself. Saving her could mean saving the entire humankind..
Story mine (c)
Everything is painted from scratch.
Model is referenced from my artist friend, with her permission.
Ship is referenced from wikimedia commons.
Thank you for watching - FULL VIEW please! =D
Inspired by the instrumental Like the Wind, by SENS