I woke up this morning to a new Malaysia. OMG, the opposition parties have taken over the states of Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor (Wilayah as well if not for the fact it is under Federal Govt control). These are easily the most industrialised states in the country. Feeling a bit groggy due to lack of sleep last night, here's an initial wishlist to what I would consider the beginning of the path to the realisation of the Malaysian dream:
1) Freedom of expression. This is one of the most fundamental rights of the people. This election is not only a bread and butter issue. Its about quality of life. There should be more responsible freedom of expression through speech, blogging, art etc, without any fear of threats from the authourities.
2) True meritocracy in education - right from primary thru to tertiary education, especially in terms of university placements and awarding of scholarships. There should be a more healthy racial mix in appointing university vice-chancellors, deans and heads of department. Underperformers should step down.
3) Let the rakyat gather peacefully to voice their dissatisfactions. Let them hand over the roses one more time to the PM. For heaven's sake, no more tear gas or water cannons this time. This could be one of the main reasons for the ruling party's defeat.
4) Make live telecast of all parliamentary sessions for public scrutiny. Even though they can still pass bills with a simple majority, the govt cannot make constitutional changes now without consulting the rakyat's representatives. The debates should draw a huge audience as there is so much to reform.
To sum up, I feel this election is not about who won but which party the rakyat chose to represent them more effectively. This is the dawn of a new Malaysia. Don't let the momentum lose its force. There's work to be done. The rakyat have spoken. Power does not belong to the politicians but to the people who have cast their votes. We are no longer the silent majority.